Resolutions Program

The Resolutions Program provides a reward for completion of a health assessment. Health assessments provide both you and your health care plan with important information about your health. More importantly, the assessment is about you and for you—giving insight into your current state of health, what you’re doing right, and what you can do to improve your health. All information is kept confidential by the health plan, and is not disclosed to Segal.

  • Complete the health assessment offered by your health plan and receive up to $100 per calendar year
  • Have your spouse/spousal equivalent complete one, too, and receive up to $50 per calendar year

Payments are considered taxable income to eligible employees.

Resolutions program eligibility

Segal U.S. regular employees (excluding temporary Special Project Workers and Interns) regularly scheduled to work at least 60% of their office’s standard work hours and with at least 90 days of benefits-eligible service are eligible for the Resolutions Program.

Reward amounts

The maximum reward for any eligible employee under the Resolutions Program in a single calendar year is $150 if full-time or $90 if part-time, comprised of a maximum $100 for your completion of a health assessment if you’re full-time or $60 if you’re part-time and $50 for your spouse/spousal equivalent completion of a health assessment if you’re full-time or $30 if you’re part-time. 

Submitting an application for a reward

Complete the Resolutions Program Reward Application and submit it along with the required supporting documentation by email to Janet Arce and Mandy Singh in HR – Benefits. The deadline for submission of an application for a reward for health assessment completed in any calendar year is December 31 of that calendar year.

Full program details and application

The program outline and reward application will be located in Templafy in 2024.